From silence to poetry
Solo exhibition -May 2023
Plexi Gallery / São Paulo - Brazil
Curated by: KinJin
Expography: Ana Barreto
Objects from the intimate feminine universe are given new meanings and go back to a space-time in which silencing was the patriarchal norm. The artist is like a time traveler, she jumps through past eras and rescues in these memories the muted voices of generations to tell her own story.
Art, music and poetry
The artist Sheila Kruger, the poet Zack Magiezi and the guests, to the sound of the violin and ukulele, recited by candlelight the poems that give names to the works belonging to the exhibition "From Silence to Poetry", among a selection of other poems chosen by each participant.
collage workshop
In this art workshop, participants delved into the exciting techniques of collage and assemblage.
Participants learned about creativity and had the opportunity to experiment with different styles and approaches, expressing themselves through combining different elements and creating unique works.
I was invited by the artistic director Ruy Cortez to create 15 collages of actors referring to the play The Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov.
Sesc Pompéia
São Paulo Brazil
July 2022
the three sisters
My work appeared in Sentimental Journal Magazine. A magazine with international circulation, based in Amsterdam.
Edition 6 - about coffee.
Sentimental Journal
Virtual exhibition - 2022
curitiba biennial
paper university
Artist of the Year 2020 by Universidade do Papel
The curatorial team at Universidade do Papel chose 3 artists, who, through their innovative proposals in the use of paper as an artistic expression, synthesize all the work of disseminating and multiplying the art of paper that is carried out in different countries. Artist Sheila Kruger was one of those chosen.
Collective exhibition - November 2023
Rabeca Cultural/ Campinas - Brazil
Curator: Kha Machado
Published in an article in the December 2023 edition. Full interview at the link: St.Art
St.Art, founded in 2020, is currently the only prominent magazine in Russia dedicated to contemporary art.
I was interviewed in December 2023 for an article about my work.
1ª mostra de arte
Setembro de 2024.
Oficina de colagem da artista na 1ª Mostra de Arte Híbrida realizada na Cia da Hebe em Espirito Santo do Pinhal - SP.
paisagens da memória
Exposição individual - Agosto 2024
Rabeca Cultural
Sousas, Campinas/SP - Brasil
Na vastidão silenciosa da memória, onde fragmentos de vidas passadas se entrelaçam com o presente, Sheila Kruger nos guia através de paisagens íntimas e etéreas. Suas colagens e assemblagens são janelas para mundos esquecidos, onde cada peça resgata histórias sussurradas pelo tempo.
"Todo homem tem um mapa secreto do seu passado", escreveu Gabriel García Márquez. E é esse mapa que Sheila Kruger traça com delicadeza e profundidade, convidando-nos a explorar os caminhos sinuosos da recordação.
el huso de andrómeda
Publicação de obra em capa do livro El huso
de Andrómeda de Jorge Esquinca.
Setembro de 2024
Certa vez, enquanto dirigia por uma estrada, meu amigo, um escritor mexicano, se deparou com uma cena que o tocou profundamente: um vestido de noiva pendurado em uma árvore, balançando suavemente ao vento. Essa imagem evocou em sua mente uma das minhas obras, um vestido de noiva que criei, repleto de memórias e significados. Essa conexão poética entre o que ele presenciou e a minha arte o inspirou a escolher minha peça como capa de seu livro El Huso de Andrómeda.